When I first saw this meme, it really struck a chord with me and made me think of a recent converation I had with a good friend of mine.  She confided that she's a "lone" runner.  Because she doesn't want anyone to see her run (she just started a couple of months ago), she will refuse invitations for buddy workouts and will ONLY run after dark in her neighborhood.

And just the other day, I heard a guy on the radio say that when he runs, if a car passes by, he will stop and act like he's just looking at something on the side of the road so that others won't see him out exercising.

It might sound extreme but I think it's more common than some think.  I recall when I first started to workout I was incredibly embarrassed by how I looked and wanted to avoid any form of exercising in public.  I didn't want anyone to see my belly rolls or the extra bounce as I attempted to run.  I was so self-conscious about my looks that it was hard to focus on what was really important....the ACTUAL workout!

This meme struck a chord because I've come to realize that people who may (or may not) see you are doing one of three things:

1.  They don't even notice you because they are so wrapped up in their own agenda for the day that they literally do not even see you.

2.  They are a meanie pants and make rude comments to themselves.  To that situation...I say follow the meme and think "Don't judge me.  My story's still being written!".  Let them think what they will.  YOU decide what's important to you.  If YOU know that exercise is will give you one more enjoyable day with those you love...then by all means IGNORE the negative people of the world and embrace the activity you are participating in.

3.  They might actually be silently cheering you on as you pass!  Seriously, I do it so I assume others must as well!  When I see anyone of any shape or size I just want give 'em a BIG high five and say, "Way to Go!  Keep it Up!  You're on Your Way!! Today is Your Day!!".  I've decided that might be slightly awkward (and a bit Dr. Suess-ish) so I refrain but the enthusiasm is still there!              

The bottom line of my thoughts today:  Don't let something someone may or may not be thinking about you, get in the way of your enjoyment and your HEALTH!  Get out there and enjoy the life you are living no matter what!